Whew! We made it through the shoot and have captured some incredible interviews, b-roll footage and more. What now? Now, we dive into the post-production or editing process. Ryan has three very talented editors on both sides of the Mississippi that chase him down the rabbit hole of storytelling every time. They sit with your footage and begin to craft the film with lovely music that is thoughtfully chosen to help tell your story. Editing can take a very long time but thankfully Route 3 Films was born out of the live-event world so we move fast and can turn around projects quickly due to the processes that Ryan put into place at Route 3 Films.
Would you believe that the hardest part of our job is not filmmaking? It is actually the handover process that may matter more than anything to everyone here at Route 3 Films. The reason is that content delivery is by far the most important part of everything we do. We strive to not just be great filmmakers but to make films that people will see, will cheer for and will ultimately SHARE! We don't just hand you a hard-drive or provide a download link. We come to you with a plan of action, with best practices, with case studies...so you know what to do with your new video content. Ryan talks often about his client's digital footprint or digital legitimacy and that is always his goal. So when the film is finished, the hard work begins but we have provided a road map for you with a friendly guide, Ryan Hanlon.
Here we go! You have hired Route 3 Films and we can't wait to get started. First thing is first, let's find those raving fans, those amazing ambassadors and anyone that wants to sit and tell us their story...and more importantly why they love you, your school or your non-profit organization! The interviews are always first so that Ryan can accumulate and investigate the content that will drive the film. Once we capture those vital interviews, we go into post-production to listen and plan out our next steps. That next step is B-roll filming. B-roll is all the visuals that represent what you and/or others mentioned in their interview. Interviews are important but B-roll is fun.
Contact Route 3 Films to learn more!

It's not all about Video at Route 3 Films. As you can see by this beautiful website, photography is key! And our Photo story is a good one. Alan Shawgo is Ryan Hanlon's right hand man that came to Route 3 Films as an intern but has risen through the ranks and can do just about anything. He bounces frequently from web design, video editing, cinematography and most importantly, our photographer. We now provide Alan's talent on every single shoot so that we can deliver multiple photography assets to you and your audience. The ability for us to deliver photography is just another example of Route 3 Films going the extra mile for YOU!